Groin Pain Injury, Chiropractic careFelicity Ede23 September 2019groin pain, groin strain, chiropractic, Chiropractic care, hernia, hip pain, sports, iliopsoas bursitis, iliopsoas strain, osteitis pubis, Sacroiliac pain, FAI, sports injury
Whiplash Injury, Chiropractic care, NeckFelicity Ede17 June 2019Injury, Chiropractic care, Chiropractic, Neck, Neck pain, Pain, accident, car
Tips To Prevent Lower Back Pain Back Pain, Chiropractic care, InjuryFelicity Ede13 May 2019Chiropractic care, Pain, Lower back, Safety, Posture, Chiropractor, Chiropractic, Strengthen, Lifting
What Is Dry Needling? Techniques, Chiropractic careFelicity Ede16 October 2017Chiropractic, dry needling, muscles, tension, tight muscles, techniques
Vertigo Vertigo, Chiropractic careFelicity Ede27 August 2017Chiropractic, Chiropractic care, Vertigo, Dizzy, dizziness, headaches, inner ear, ear, Meniere's disease, Tinnitus, BPPV, balance
Backpacks Children, School bag, Chiropractic careFelicity Ede9 April 2017Children, School, schoolbag, backpack, back, neck, shoulders, pressure, strain, muscle strain, straps, bag position, Chiropractic, chiropractic for children, pain, children, Chiropractor, chiropractic, Back, Backpack, Chiropractic for Children, Benefits of Chiropractic care for children
Back Pain Chiropractic care, Back PainFelicity Ede19 March 2017Pain, back pain, back, joints, muscles, disc, sharp, dull, ache, symptoms, sciatica, numbness, Chiropractor, Chiropractic, Back pain, Back, Symptoms, Sciatica, Numbness
Golfer's Elbow Chiropractic care, Elbow ConditionsFelicity Ede6 March 2017golfer's elbow, elbow pain, pain, elbow, medial elbow, muscles, forearm, weakness, wrist, hand, numbness, tingling, tissue repair, strength, treatment, mobilisation, gentle, dry needling, stretches, chiropractor, chiropractic, body care, Elbow pain, Elbow, Pain, Medial Epicondylopathy, medial epicondylopathy, Golfer's elbow, Treatment, Dry Needling, Chiropractic, Chiropractor
Headaches Chiropractic care, HeadachesFelicity Ede7 February 2017Headache, headaches, tension, tension headache, cluster headache, cluster, migraine, migraines, migraine headache, tight band, poor posture, posture, neck, upper back, behind eye, stress, chiropractor, chiropractic, Types of headaches, types of headaches, Cluster Headache, Migraine, Tension headache, Chiropractic, Chiropractor, Stress, Posture, Poor posture
Ice vs Heat Therapy Chiropractic careFelicity Ede22 January 2017ice, ice theraoy, ice pack, heat, heat therapy, heat pack, ice tretment, heat treatment, treatment, sprain, injury, ankle, shoulder, acute, chronic, soreness, anti inflammatory, inflammatory, swelling, swollen, compress, pain, circulation, stiff, muscles, tissues, Ice, Ice therapy, Therapy, Ice pack, Heat, Heat pack, Chiropractor, Chiropractic, Swelling, Swollen, Chronic, Acute, Compress, Anti inflammatory